Sustainable Use of Land
Land is one of the most
important natural resources on Earth. It refers to the Earth’s terrestrial
surface consisting of forests, deserts, human settlement areas and agricultural
lands. Land is essential for the provision of food, water and energy for many
living systems and is critical to human activity.
Land is used spatially
(water reservoirs) and temporally (shifting cultivation, dumping grounds) for
many purposes.
Agriculture and
The two dominant land
use activities are agriculture and forestry. Agro-ecosystems cover more than a
quarter of the global land area. Agricultural land use depends on the types of
crops and agronomics systems which can vary from intensively managed
monocultures, to more organic systems involving annual and perennial crops.
Over most of the history, including much of the 20th century,
agricultural output has increased primarily bringing more land into production
through conversion of forests and natural grasslands.
Extractive purposes
By mining and quarrying
valuable minerals and geological material are extracted from the Earth for
various industries. Due to this activity, land is degraded and land structure
is altered.
Residential and
institutional land uses
Residential land uses
involves single-family dwellings or apartment buildings which can support large
densities of human populations. Institutional land uses are mostly associated
with land that is occupied by public buildings such as schools, universities,
government office buildings, art galleries and museums. These facilities are
most commonly located in urban or suburban areas.
sanitation and health
Area for waste disposal and parks.
Recreational land use
Denotes specific
activities and pursuits, which may range from informal reaction in the
countryside to more formalized leisure pursuits in an urban setting such as a
sports complex, cinema or gambling casino.
Industrial land use
Industrial areas
include a wide array of land uses from light manufacturing to heavy
manufacturing plants. Heavy industries use raw materials such as iron core,
coal and steel.
The Concept of
Sustainable Land Use
Sustainable land use is
a complex concept which deals with technologies, policies and activities of
land use. It can be defined as a practice that maintains and retains quantity
and productivity of land resources from generation to generation while meeting
current and long-term needs of society and maximizing net benefits through
conservation of resources to maintain other ecosystem services and functions.
Land is not a simple
commodity that can be stored and replaces, destroyed and remade, or even
recycled in exactly the same way as manufactured goods. It is a complex and
biological system, built up over long periods of time. To restore its capacity
have to be tailored to the specific problems at hand. In this regard, reliable
information on people’s needs and land resources is required. For this land use
planning is essential.
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